egalia have been a staple of this club since its founding in 1989. We started with knit shirts and hats. Club response was so outstanding that we expanded to other areas. At various times, we have taken orders and supplied jackets, pull-overs, sweaters, duffle bags, umbrellas and so on.

We are now in the position to offer you more choices than ever before. We have reached an agreement with Holly's Embroidery to be the exclusive embroiderer for our club. Instead of settling for what we currently have in stock, you can now select men's or women's styles in a wide range of clothing from the full inventory of Holly's catalog. Just find what you like in the color that you prefer and the style that suits your needs, then call or email Holly with your request, telling her that you are a member of the Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club. She will calculate the combined cost of the item, embroidery and shipping and get back to you with a price. Pay with your check or credit card and the item will be produced and shipped right to your door. It can't be any easier than that. See her wearables catalog at

Holly's email address is, her phone number is (717) 599-5975 and her FAX number is (717) 599-7711.

We still have a small selection of items available for sale. These are shown below (click on the picture to see more detail). Email Rory Liebrum and he will bring them to the next club event for you.

License Plate License Plate Frame CPTC Grille Badge
License_Plate_thumb CPTC Grill Badge
Hat Magnet Lapel Pin