he Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club welcomes you to the CPTC website. We are an organization where the Triumph enthusiast can contact other enthusiasts of the marque. Based in South Central Pennsylvania, we have members throughout the state as well as from the contiguous states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. We do a variety of driving and non-driving events throughout the year. Our driving events consist of tours and rallies. Our non-driving events include tech sessions, summer picnics and winter brunches. In the warmer months the club tries to hold at least 2 events each month. The Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club publishes an informative and entertaining newsletter on a monthly basis for the members. Owning a Triumph is not a requirement of the club and all are welcome to join.
Our active membership has gathered a large collection of interesting information related to the British Car hobby. We invite you to browse the links below.
Keep calm and motor on!
Rick Roenigk, President
Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club