Triumph News

The TRIUMPH NEWS has been the official voice of the Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club since 1989. It is an award-winning publication that provides our membership an overview of past events as well as a heads-up on upcoming events and is offered in both paper and digital formats.

The current year's newletters are only available to members in the member's only section of the website however we make last year's newsletters available to all. Below are the past year's full color newsletters that are available to all. A PDF format reader is needed to view these so if you need Adobe reader, download it here .

Links to prior issues of TRIUMPH NEWS.

NOTE: These are large files so be patient while they load.

Current Newsletters

More recent newsletters are available to members only. Have your User ID and Password avaliable and click HERE.

If you forgot the User ID or Password, send an email to and I will get back to you.

Hug a tree and save $5.

As a group, the officers of this organization are a pretty thrifty bunch (other terms have also been used). We are always on the lookout for ways to conserve, so when we redesigned the web site we discussed some opportunities to change our way of doing business. As we looked at the new web content, we realized that the on-line newsletter was a big winner because it is a lot more attractive in color than it is in black-and-white print. We also realized that storing it on the server in a PDF format allows members to download the entire newsletter to their own computers, view it any time they want and save it for as long as they want.

But we also realized that not all members have computers or want to give up the surprise of finding a newsletter in their mail box. SO HERE IS THE DEAL.

We are now in a position to become more environmentally friendly and, at the same time, pass along some savings to the members that help us do that. If you elect to download you newsletter instead of having it mailed to you, we will reduce your dues by five dollars. In addition to putting $5 in your pocket, we will not need to raise yearly dues any time soon, will have a few more dollars available to purchase the regalia that you want and will be able to underwrite the cost of some of our events. On the other hand, if you want to continue receiving your newsletter in the mail, you can do that and continue paying $20 per year. The choice is yours.

If you opt to get the newsletter through this web site, send an email to the Vice President and tell him that you want to save a tree. Every month, he will send you an email letting you know when the latest issue of the newsletter is available on line. And when it is time for you to pay your dues, the price will be $15 instead of $20. If you don't want to change, do nothing and the newsletter will continue to be mailed to you every month.

We hope that you will find this change to be a benefit, so tell us what you think. If you think we're nuts, tell us that too. But don't forget to tell us whether to charge you $15 or $20.